Theo Tsang, Chairperson

Theo has a background in accounting, joined the board in 2019, is a member of the finance committee and recently accepted the position as Vice-chairperson;



Krista Simms, Director

Krista has been a Developmental Services Worker (DSW) since 2004. She started her career with TCE in 2003 as a part time residential counsellor and also worked On Call in each of the homes until 2016. Through her experience at TCE, Krista begun to learn and develop a passion for sign language and the Deaf community. She pursued further education to become an ASL-ENG Interpreter, graduating in 2011. Work as a freelance sign language interpreter  lead to her current role as Director of Video Interpreting with Asign (formerly SLIAO). Krista believes in continuous learning, engages in professional development whenever she can and is pursuing her bachelor’s degree with Athabasca University focused on organizational behaviour, communications, and business. Krista brings experience in the DSW field as a front line staff as well as an understanding of varying communication methods and accessibility needs.




Colleen Bio pic

Colleen Thurston, Director

Colleen has dedicated her working career to supporting families with children, youth and adults with multiple disabilities.

Using person centered planning with each individual she facilitated the development and implementation of plans that encompassed communication, social/life and behavioral goals with their caregivers, teachers and community partners.

Colleen has been a part of numerous working groups during her time at different agencies, the most recent before retirement, Autism Services at CHEO.  She was a staff representative at board meetings and parent advisory meetings. Colleen also participated in hospital and community service working groups to plan and improve outreach services and easy access for families.

She is engaged in her role on the board of directors to support TCE as the agency continues the realization of its strategic plan.




Chris Wilson

Christopher Wilson

Christopher brings over 15 years of teaching experience to the board, currently educating grade 7 and 8 students at Sir Robert Borden. His commitment to education extends outside the classroom, demonstrated by his involvement with Children's International Summer Villages (CISV) and coaching youth hockey and soccer.

With a deep personal connection to TCE through his brother Jamie, who resides at the Kirkwood home, Christopher is dedicated to supporting individuals with special needs. As the Family Support Network representative, he ensures a supportive and inclusive environment for all families touched by TCE's services.


Marge McCabe, Past Chair

Marge has a Professional Background in Nursing, worked in various medical capacities. She also has marketing and sales experience in real estate. Marge’s 45-year-old daughter Brenda has a developmental disability and is now being supported by TCE. Over the years since her daughter’s birth, Marge been involved in many family groups for people with developmental disabilities. She was one of the Founders and a Fundraiser of Trinity Homes, Saskatoon and a Co-Founder and Executive Director of Families Matter Coop, Ottawa. Marge has volunteered in different capacities on a number of non-profit boards and has been a member of the MCSS Partnership Table and more recently a member of the MCSS Ontario Developmental Services Housing Task Force.