Events Calendar

Maple Weekend
From Saturday 02 April 2016 -  10:00am
To Sunday 03 April 2016 - 04:00pm

We want to give you a first-hand opportunity to see how maple products are produced, from tree to table, along with the chance to taste and purchase quality maple products.


Ottawa Valley pancake breakfast. Join the fun at a local sugar house. Sugar makers will invite you to share in the centuries-old craft of maple sugaring. Come and talk to the producers in your local area. They will be happy to share with you how their operation works.

Many will be offering free samples of fresh syrup, as well as maple candies and confections. Come enjoy pancake breakfasts, sugarbush trails, sugar making demonstrations, taffy on snow, horse-drawn sleigh rides, and more. Experience the traditional maple sugaring craft and taste why pure Ontario maple syrup has long been a favourite springtime treat. Share in the fun of the sweetest time of the year.